Dan Juster Juster spoke to us this morning and brought a powerful and timely message. But first he introduced some people to us. Evan Levin shared about their ministry, Hatikva Dental, which provides high quality affordable dental treatment to the needy in the name of Yeshua. It is a non-profit organization. They have two locations, Jerusalem and Haifa. They witness freely about Jesus (Yeshua)!
Another ministry they have is as an agency that recruits Messanic families to adopt or foster children.

Bergita Lundvahl shared about the remarkable preschool in Jerusalem that is paving a way in helping different groups of the society interact and integrate. The “Little Hearts” school program created a loving and nurturing environment that models unity among the Arab, Jewish, and International populations of Jerusalem. The staff is made of Arab and Messianic believers. They have a vision to give quality education for the children of Messianic believers.

Dan Juster’s message was titled “The Five Pillars Movement” He realized that in the Zinzindorf Movement, they saw the whole picture and realized how the Gentiles would be instrumental and provoke the Jews to jealousy. These are the five pillars:
- Revival – we need people committed to it, passionate and praying for it. Acts 2:15 – filled with the Spirit!
- Unity in the church – true unity only found in Jesus – pray for it!
- A people committed to world missions and proclaiming the true gospel.
- Jewish missions – we need to work with the Messianic community. Help to grow their missions with support, prayer and practical help.
- Committed leaders raised up with passion – unity and maturity in the body of Christ.
Read the full notes from his message FIVE PILLARS |
In the afternoon, all the attendees chose which ministry they wanted to visit and others visited the Old City of Jerusalem. Enjoy the sights we captured.
Jerusalem is an amazing city. The core of the Old City of Jerusalem has a history that is believed to go back more than 3,000 years, while the great walls that encase the Old City were first built in 1538 by Suleiman the Magnificent.

The mural below is located in the Old City just outside the Cardo. It depicts Israel’s past and present. Notice the boy on the lower right with a baseball cap & backpack.

A walk through the shouk.

Evening Session of Convocation

Asher Intrader of “Revive Israel” was our keynote speaker, but first he introduced us to some ministries in Eretz Israel (the land of Israel).Bassem Adranly and his wife shared with us. He has an Arab congregation downtown Jerusalem. He is presently working on 30 lessons on-line that will be in Hebrew, Arabic, and English on how to reach Muslims .
His wife said that God will usher in a great move by the Miriams. Twelve and half years ago when their daughter was born (and named Miriam), God told them He is restoring the Miriams in the land. The Arab women are treated so horribly in Islam and in the last three years, they have seen a great work in Arab women. The name Miriam usually is interpreted as “bitter,” but it also means “overcoming waters.” Through the bitter tears of Miriams in the land, it is making a make way where there is no way! Arab women know how to travail!
Another Israeli woman shared about Tiferet Yeshua Congregation, a vibrant Hebrew-speaking congregation in the heart of Tel Aviv. They are raising up whole- hearted disciples of Yeshua and sharing His love with their city. They have the largest percentage of native-born Israelis in their congregation. |
Asher’s message was from Psalm 110. Jesus’ death and shedding His blood brought forth forgiveness for us.When He was raised from the dead, He gave us life. When He ascended, He took the authority that the 1st Adam forfeited and as the 2nd Adam fulfilled it all. He took the dominion and authority for the kingdom and sat at the right hand of God. We are seated with Him! Asher’s prayed a powerful prayer at the end. CLICK TO HEAR IT |

Adding my prayers to all of yours to “send the love” to the faithful in Israel. God Bless all.
Bless you, Susan for your love and prayers!