Israel’s 9/11 Living Memorial stands in Jerusalem remembering the nearly 3,000 victims of the September 11, 2001 terror attack in New York City.
It is the only 9/11 monument outside the United States including all the names of the victims. It represents the unity between the United States and Israel against terror in all its form. We remember. May their memory be a blessing.
Christy Brownig of Sunrise Christian Fellowship in Edmonds, WA, has led us in worship. It was wonderful this morning!

Dan Juster introduced us to Guy Cohen of Harvest of Asher Ministry. He was previously an Orthodox Jew. Harvest of Asher provides humanitarian aid with food baskets and coupons for the poor people of Akko. They reach out to them through the gospel of Yeshua. They provided school supplies recently for 250 children.
Dan’s wife, Patty, shared her deep concern about the young people in the Messianic community. She says the younger people haven’t been prepared to hold up in the tests that come in their walk. When they are greatly disappointed or a friend is killed, they have no resilience and many have backed off from the Lord.
Suffering causes us to press in to God. We must keep Him as our first love. She shared about Joseph’s life and the trials he faced. Mary and Martha questioned why Jesus hadn’t come sooner… When healing the blind man, He was questioned. He said, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”
This is a powerful word and I recommend you watch the DVDs or hear the audio of the Jerusalem Convocation.

Convocation News – 9/11 PM Closing Session
This part by Nonnie McVeigh, Aglow National President Pres. of Great Britain, is an excellent summary of the convocation.
Rick Allen recapped the evening with Jane’s message and the International Board of Directors’ comments below the recording.

By Rick Allen
To pull together the wonderful truths that we’ve received at the Convocation over the last few days Jane asked the International Board of Directors to stand with her and share a nugget of something they have received.
Pulling Together These Threads of Truth
At the beginning of the session Anna told us about some people attending the Convocation who have some serious health problems. Jane asked Jason to sing over us allowing God’s Spirit to touch every area of our lives that need restoration. A powerful healing anointing filled the room and our hearts as he sang.
Jane took the offering for this session letting us know that we have had an offer of matching funds for up to $20,000. She asked us to seek the Lord for what He would have us do. Jane said, “This is going to be a breakthrough offering for a breakthrough year.”
Sarah Catarino
Jane gave honor to Sarah Catarino, the Aglow National President of Portugal who has served in Aglow for 54 years. Sarah was instrumental in raising up Aglow from the very beginning in that nation. She speaks on the radio, writes books, and teaches internationally. Thank you, Sarah, for your example of steadfast faithfulness and love.
Pulling Together the Threads of Truth
Jane Hansen Hoyt
Zechariah 8:23 speaks about taking hold of the coat tail of a Jew. The time will come when you so treasure who they are, what they have to say, and the truth that they bring, that you just want to hang out with them. During this Convocation we have so enjoyed hearing them, and hearing the sounds from Zion.
Jane thinks of Glenda’s question often, “What do you want to see in Aglow?” It’s God’s Presence, because without Him we are nothing. Jane wants every Aglow meeting to be a place where you can hardly wait to get there in anticipation of experiencing His Presence.
Then she expounded on the different words that have been given to us over the years. Aglow has a Kingdom call. We’re not a church with 4 walls, we have a call to go out to the nations. Don’t become myopic in your thinking. Come up higher. We are apostolic, prophetic watchmen on the wall. We are a company of Mary’s bringing forth Jesus on the earth. Dutch Sheets spoke to us about the hovering of the Holy Spirit over us. We are pregnant with promise.
Through all these words, we have come to a single mandate – propelling the Kingdom forward.
Jane had the International Board of Directors come up and share.

Nonnie McVeigh
IBOD, Aglow Britain National Board President
We are coming into the season where the King is in the field. A new era has begun. What does God want us to do? To come up higher! It’s all about the victory, conquering, and prevailing that He has given to the Ecclesia. We are in a season of deployment. Are you ready to go?
Diane Moder
IBOD, Aglow Islamic Education Director
Diane spoke from Isaiah 62:6-7 I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.
Diane and Sandy do a weekly prayer call with about 150 intercessors praying for Israel and Islam. We will not give the Lord rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. If you will be obedient when God speaks to you with that still small voice, He will breathe life into it and do something extraordinary.
Edda Swan
IBOD, European Regional Committee Chairperson, Aglow Iceland National Board President
In a recent meeting Edda felt like the Lord was sounding the shofar of alarm. Last night she felt a shift – we came up higher as a people of pure hearts. Don’t look to another to go out into the harvest field – you are the one He is choosing. You’re it!
Edda has been questioned in the past about her heart and passion for Israel. After Dan’s message about the 5 Pillars she can now bring greater understanding to people about our connection with Israel.
Glenda Fleming
IBOD, Aglow U.S. Regional Director
We are not coming up higher, we are IN the high place. Follow His Presence. In 2 Chronicles 16:9 it says, For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.
In this ministry He is finding men and women whose hearts are totally turned toward Him.
Alice Tsoi
IBOD, Aglow Hong Kong-China National President, Aglow Asia Regional Committee Chairman
In coming to Israel He is bringing us further into alignment. When Asher talked about coming up higher, Alice she felt it was a confirmation of what Dutch Sheets said when he said full circle, higher level. You have to be on a higher level to hear the fullness of what He is telling us.
Shelly Morales
IBOD, U.S. Regional Director
We cannot serve a living God with dead works. We have to put into practice what we have heard during this Convocation. He is giving us a loving invitation to go home, get the messages out, study them, and start living them. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring them to life in your hearts.
Kerry Ellen Logan
IBOD, Aglow Australia National Board President
We get stretched up, and we go higher, and yet it has to go deeper. At the 2017 conference a prophetic word was given that we were to go into certain Asian nations. Shortly after the conference a team was quickly assembled, and we acted on that word taking a team to those places. That is the living expression of what God is calling us to do.
Members of IBOD come from all over the globe. Acts 1:8 says, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. It is time to go to the ends of the earth and into the nations we’ve never touched.
Jane’s father asked his mentor, V. Raymond Edmond, “How do you hear the Lord so clearly?” He replied, “I just put one foot in front of the other.” We just need to put one foot in front of another.
Dan Juster
Dan gave honor to Jane telling her that she is one of the great women of this century having a spirit of kindness and compassion that supersedes most of what exists on the earth today.
Aaronic Blessing
To close the Convocation Ruth Collingridge led us in singing the Aaronic blessing from Numbers 6:24-26. She had the people sing it facing north, south, east and west.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
So much truth has been imparted to us at this Convocation. Let’s all marinade in these truths and bring Aglow up higher to Propel the Kingdom Forward.
Jane Hansen Hoyt, President & CEO of Aglow International and Nancy McDaniel, Aglow Prayer Director, made powerful declarations to the North, the South, the East, and the West!